Fish Deeper Phone App

The Fish Deeper phone app is not just an app for recording your scans; there are many more features and functions it can perform. Weather, Moon phases are a great feature.
You can study the lake for spots you may have missed in the past.
Find a hump
Zoom in and then mark the spot.
Zoom In
The spot is marked by clicking on the plus button and dragging the icon onto the exact spot.
That will do
The push the tick and then edit to add your words.
You can make the description as short or as long as two lines and you can add a photo if needed.
If you turn on the global reading’s it will give you the contours and depths of the lake.
You can overlay this with your personal readings and be able to fill in the missing piece to the jigsaw before you are able to get out and scan them yourself.
I hope this helps you when you’re on the bank. Until next time Richard


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